Hersteller FIC, bekannt durch seine Motherboard-Serien auf Basis von ATi-Chipsätzen, kann stolz auf seinen Pocket PC KJ001 sein! Der Symbol of Excellence Award wird alljährlich an eine Reihe von Eletronik-Produkten verliehen. Auch FIC´s KJ001 konnte sich den taiwanesischen Award sichern. Hier die Pressemitteilung (Englisch)...
"Taipei 19 Jan 2003- First International Computer, Inc. (FIC) is well known for its award winning range of motherboards. However, in recent years the company has moved in new directions and has become a successful producer of handheld devices and mobile technology. The KJ001 has been a particularly successful product for the company and has been the recipient of several coveted awards. The latest award given to the KJ001 is the Taiwan Symbol of Excellence award.
Gene Sheu, President of the FIC Networking and Information Group commented, “It is an FIC goal to become a major 3C producer. The KJ001 is just one product that is moving us ever closer to achieving that goal. We’re very proud that the KJ001 product has been awarded this honor. We have several new handheld and mobile products in development and we hope that they will all be as successful as the KJ001”.
Details of the Taiwan Symbol of Excellence Award can be found here:
The KJ001 comes with a choice of either Intel® StrongARM or Intel® XScale processor, 32MB of Flash ROM and 64MB of SDRAM. The high quality LCD screen can display up to 64K colors at a resolution of 240 x 320 pixels. The unit weighs just 180g and measures 132 x 77 x 18.2 mm. The operating system is Microsoft® Pocket PC 2002 Premium Edition and preloaded software applications include pocket versions of Word, Excel, Outlook, Internet Explorer, Media Player and even MSN Messenger.
The KJ001 also comes with built-in Bluetooth™ functionality which means the unit can be used on any Bluetooth™ enabled network for printing, file sharing, internet browsing, e-mail or even text chatting using MSN messenger over the internet. Other features of the unit include USB port, SD card slot, IrDA interface, Compact Flash type II slot and RS-232 interface.
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