Fast gleichzeitig mit dem Release des ersten DirectX 9 Release Candidates (Report), präsentiert uns ATI ein passenden Treiber zur neuen Grafikschnittstelle. Der Catalyst BRC0 soll DirectX 9 Features nutzen und zusammen mit einer auf DX9 basierenden Grafikkarte, zum Beispiel eine Radeon 9700 Pro, dem User neue Funktionen zu Gesicht führen...
Leider befindet sich der Treiber momentan noch im Beta-Status, deshalb kann es eventuell noch zu Problemen kommen. Des Weiteren ist bisher auch nur eine Version für Windows 2000/XP erhältlich. Mehr Details in der Pressemitteilung von ATI (Englisch)...
Download: Catalyst DirectX 9 BRC0 (Win 2000/XP)
"MARKHAM, Ontario, - ATI Technologies Inc. (TSX:ATY, NASDAQ:ATYT) today continued its commitment to deliver the most advanced, high-quality graphics solutions with the release of a new beta software driver supporting Microsoft® DirectX® 9.0 Release Candidate 0 (RC0) application program interface (API). ATI´s new driver, CATALYST™ Beta Release Candidate 0 (BRC0), provides the industry´s first support for Microsoft DirectX 9.0 and enables end-users to take full advantage of the most current hardware and software features, creating a richer and more immersive 3D graphics experience.
ATI is the first and only accelerated graphics vendor to currently provide game developers and hardware enthusiasts with support for DirectX 9.0 through RADEON™ 9700 PRO, RADEON™ 9500 PRO, RADEON™ 9700 and RADEON™ 9500 graphics chips. With products spanning from high-end to the performance mainstream, ATI helps end-users extend the lifespan of their accelerated graphics processors by delivering next-generation performance and features to users, today.
"Today´s beta driver release is further testament to ATI´s continued leadership in the graphics industry," said Rick Bergman, Senior Vice President & General Manager, Desktop Business Unit, ATI Technologies Inc. "ATI and Microsoft will continue to work closely together to develop the necessary software resources to help end users enhance their gaming and visual adventure."
"We´re delighted that ATI is releasing a driver that works with and benefits from our latest version of DirectX. The combination of DirectX 9.0 and ATI´s driver, CATALYST Beta Release Candidate 0, will provide incredible levels of gaming and cinematic realism," said Dean Lester, General Manager Windows Graphics and Gaming Technologies, Microsoft Corporation.
In the spirit of delivering visual and cinematic realism, ATI is also releasing four demos - ´Pipedreams,´ ´Rendering with Natural Light,´ ´Car,´ and ´Bear´ are the first publicly available content to exercise the advanced performance capabilities of DirectX 9. ATI´s CATALYST Beta RC0 driver and the demos are available for free download today at
ATI´s CATALYST Beta RC 0 driver will be submitted to Microsoft Corp. for Windows´ Hardware Quality Labs (WHQL) certification and incorporated into future releases of ATI´s CATALYST suite of unified graphics drivers..."
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